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Understanding and using the Idea Split
Understanding and using the Idea Split

All you need to know to start using Idea Splits.

Cameron Gavin avatar
Written by Cameron Gavin
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In this article:

Related articles:

Adding an Idea Split (Video)

What is the Idea Split feature and how does it work?

What is Idea Split?

With Idea Split, sometimes referred to as monadic splits, you have the power to dictate how many ideas each respondent sees. This will allow you to evaluate a select number of ideas against key performance indicators or business metrics that are most relevant to your business.

Let's put it in context: imagine you've got 5 ideas you'd like to test and 10 questions you'd like to ask about each idea. Idea Split allows you to decide how many ideas you want each respondent to weigh in on and then ask specific follow-up questions based on the ideas they're seeing. It's useful when:

  • you have already screened a bunch of ideas and you're looking to collect a few additional diagnostics on each idea

  • you've only got a handful of ideas to test and you'd like to do a deeper dive on them in isolation

How does Idea Split (Beta) work?

Idea split works by showing a randomized selection of ideas from your Idea Screen to respondents, giving you the ability to do in-depth research on a small subset of your total ideas.

The Idea Split has 3 main sections you have control over:

  1. Overview - How many responses for your study based on your audiences - we recommend a minimum of 100 respondents per idea

  2. Ideas - Select how many ideas each respondent will see. We randomize which ideas are shown to each respondent.

  3. Questions - Determine what and how many questions will be asked of each ideas. We'll ask the same question for all ideas shown!

Adding ideas in Idea Split

To add ideas in Idea Split, click on ‘Add Ideas’ button at the bottom of the second tile called 1 - Ideas.

Next, select your preferred layout for your idea cards (there are 7 layouts to choose from including image only, text only, and image + text with varying tile layouts). To see what the respondent view will look like, you can preview your idea card using the Primary View and Question View preview tab on the right side.

Views are either 'Primary' or 'Question'

There are two ways to add ideas to your Idea Split:

Using the Import Library

  1. Select the layout you wish to display your ideas:

    *Note you can only import ideas that match the layout of the section*

  2. Click 'Import Ideas from a Section', select your ideas and click 'import':

Select ideas and 'import'

Starting from scratch

1. Select the layout you wish to display your ideas:

2. Select 'Get Started'

2. Add your ideas to the Idea Split section. You have two options:

  • one-by-one by clicking on ‘New Idea’ tile

  • multiple ideas by clicking on ‘From computer’ tile

Once you have added your ideas, you can indicate how many of your ideas you want to show each respondent in the numeric box titled 'Each audience member sees -______ ideas at random' within the ‘1 - Ideas’ tile (below).

Adding Ideas using AI Generation

  • Select layout with text and 'Get Started'

  • Select 'Generate with AI'

  • Select a prompt or type what you're looking to prompt

  • You can edit or ask the AI to change the answers through normal conversational language or using the prompts in-app

  • When you're happy with the suggestions simply select 'Use these ideas'

  • That's all! Your ideas will be added to your Idea Split

Tagging ideas in your Idea Split section

You can tag your ideas in Idea Split (to filter on these tagged groups during reporting) by:

1. Clicking on ‘Table View’ and then on ‘Add tag’ in the individual idea card row

Choose 'table view' then 'add tag'. You can edit tags by clicking the 3 dots.

2. Clicking the three ellipses to the far right of each individual idea card and clicking ‘Edit’ and then clicking on ‘Add tag’ in the window that appears that allows you to edit your individual idea.

choose 'add tag' to add a tag

How many ideas and questions to include when using Idea Split

When setting up your ideas and questions in Idea Split, it’s helpful to imagine yourself as a respondent going through your study. Make sure that you continue to be engaged with your survey and that the length of the survey is not too long.

Typically, a good rule of thumb is:

  • The fewer ideas you ask respondents to evaluate, the more questions you can ask about the idea

  • The more ideas you ask respondents to evaluate, the fewer questions that should be asked.

  • Remember, idea complexity is also a factor. The more complex an idea is, the longer it takes for a respondent to read and evaluate each idea.

Splits: Overview tile

The overview tile in a Splits section allows you to review how many audience members will be going through the Splits exercise.

*Note: Respondents are randomly assigned to each idea whether you're fielding your study using Audience Marketplace or Collecting Responses with a link.*

Within the tile, you’re able to review:

  • The first 5 audience members and the idea(s) that they will be exposed to ensure they're viewing the correct number of ideas at random.

  • How many audience members are in your study

  • How many will see each idea

Editing Idea Split introduction text in settings

To edit or customize Idea Split Introduction text with wording that is more relevant to the specific idea(s) you're including, toggle to the 'Settings' tab within the Idea Split section (to the right of the 'Idea Split' tab).

Within the Settings tab, on the left-hand side is the default text that's shown to respondents before going through the Idea Split exercise. To the right of the default text is the text box where you can input your custom Introduction text.

Note: You're able to customize the text using the text formatting ribbon above the text box. Additionally, the text will automatically save once you're finished typing and toggle out of the 'Settings' tab (it can sometimes be helpful to refresh the page once you input the text).

Idea Split FAQ

  • Am I able to assign certain questions in the Idea Split based on the idea the respondent was assigned?

    • No, the Idea Split is designed as a monadic split and is intended for all participants to see the same questions about their randomly assigned idea. This gives you the ability to compare the same questions' answers across various different ideas.

  • Am I able to pull only liked ideas from the Idea Screen?

    • No, the Idea Screen and the Idea Split are two separate sections that function independently from each other. The participants will see a randomized selection of the ideas you choose to add to your Idea Split.

      If you do not want respondents to respond to ideas they are not interested in, you can ask a question to gauge their interest, like "Overall, how interested are you in the ideas you've just seen?". If they answer that they are not interested, you can use logic to route them to the end of the section.

  • Is there cell balancing within the Idea Split?

    • Yes, ideas are balanced based on demographics and screening questions that have quotas

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