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Questions & Idea Split Reporting (Video)
Reviewing open-ended results
Here is a video that gives you a deep-dive into reviewing open-ended questions results:
Here's a text run-through of all you need to know:
In your study, you captured consumers' verbatim comments. So now what?
To help guide your analysis, Upsiide automatically applies Natural Language Processing (NLP) to each open-end question. This will allow you to quickly understand what patterns may be happening in your verbatim data.
*NLP is available in English, Spanish and Japanese only.
Let's look at the information you can find within the sentiment analysis section of the open-end results.
Provides a percentage of the comments that are positive, neutral or negative. The score of the sentiment ranges between -1.0 (negative) and 1.0 (positive) and corresponds to the overall emotional learning of the text.
From the 2024 VR Headsets study, 61% of respondents had a positive sentiments about the release of the Apple Vision Pro:
Gives insight into the words and phrases mentioned most often by sentiment intensity.
Green and red bars give you a visual representation of how positive or negative the word is.
Sort by the number of mentions or sentiment score by clicking the sort by drop-down menu.
The number of people who mentioned the keyword can be found by clicking on the word in the grid. On the right-hand side, above the selected word, you will see a number of people and mentions. However, this does not mean this is the exact number of mentions in your data.*
Provides verbatim based on the keywords by positive, neutral and negative scores.
*The count is based on keywords that are determined to have a sentiment. There are cases in that sentiment may not be captured because of the brevity of the verbatim, or words and phrases cannot be coded as a sentiment.
Word Clouds
The word cloud visualizes word frequency and sentiment from your open-end. The larger the word, the more frequently it was mentioned compared to other words.
Download the CSV file
Want to read the answers yourself? Need to code the data?
Download the CSV file by navigating to the download icon and selecting CSV.
Reviewing Scale question results
Scale Questions are a great way to find out what the average response is to your question - you can choose either a default linear Scale or create a custom Scale (read more here for how to do that)
Reviewing the Scale question is really simple, you have:
Scale - this shows you the scale used in creating the question
Scale Average - commonly known as "mean score", this is the average Scale across all respondents who answered the question
Reviewing Heatmap results
Heatmap results are split into two main sections:
A. The Heatmap - each dot shows where someone clicked, if you select the show/hide dots button (eye) you can remove the dots and see it as only a heatmap, the darker the colour, the more click in a particular area
B. Clicks & Comments - this section shows you the comment left by respondents when they clicked
Reviewing Rank question results
Rank questions are useful for finding out the order of preference for a set of options. Our Rank question report shows you:
The answer options - this is what your respondents had to choose from
Percentage of respondents - This is the percentage of your respondents who chose each ranking e.g. below 33% chose Hamburgers as their #1 rank
Average Rank - the average for each answer option across all respondents
Show/hide options - this gives you the ability to show only the options you want, a good example of this would be only wanting to show the top 3 or 5 ranked answers in a long list
Reviewing Emoji question results
Using the Emoji question is an intuitive way for respondents to identify and express how they feel about an idea. Results can also help us identify any outliers in our ideas. For example if one of the top emojis is disgust, we have a better understanding of how respondents are reacting to this idea.
Reporting on the Emoji question shows:
A. The Emoji and the percentage/number of times it was selected
B. The Positive and Negative sentiments based on the Emoji types
We typically recommend following the Emoji question with an open end question. Using Emoji questions in conjunction with an Open End question gives the respondent the opportunity to identify their sentiments towards an idea and elaborate on why they might feel this way.
Sending test links to team members for feedback
Share the study you created with your team members to get feedback on your questions by:
When in Create study mode, navigate to the top menu bar and select Preview mode (Play icon).
Locate the Share icon in the right corner of the top menu bar.
Click the Copy Link to send the test link to your teammate. You will see multiple test links if you have more than one language.