Early-stage idea screening typically revolves around initial innovation ideas or very preliminary concepts that you or your team may have.
Typically these ideas can include images, text, or a combination of the two, and require a level of prioritization to help you bring those ideas to the next stage in your innovation pipeline (initial concept evaluation).
Below are a few tips from the Upsiide team:
You can test many ideas at one time. Our recommendation is no fewer than 10 ideas, with the maximum of 30-40 ideas, including competitor ideas and benchmarks.
The more complex the ideas are, the fewer ideas you should include in one test.
Use benchmarks - this will help you obtain additional context to the evaluation of your ideas' performance.
All ideas should contain the same level of information, design, and formatting.
Types of ideas that can be tested using the Upsiide platform include:
design/format/logo ideas
flavor options
packaging ideas
product descriptions
product or packaging claims
featured services
The results of idea screening on early-stage ideas allow you to prioritize those ideas that have potential relative to other ideas you have tested. This method will help make quicker decisions on which ideas to bring to the next stage now, vs which ideas need further refinement.