Upsiide contains a few templated surveys to help you get insights fast! Here are our Templates for non-innovation studies and when to use them.
| Template Content | Suggested Cadence |
Brand Fundamentals | How does your brand stack up to the competition? This Template measures brand awareness, barriers to trial, consumer perceptions and brand equity. | Use this survey periodically to get a health check on your brand. |
Category Fundamentals | Use this to learn more about the consumers in your category. This Template measures category perceptions and contains some questions around health, shopping and cooking habits. | Use this survey as a foundation to deeper brand work. |
Customer Satisfaction | This Template measures CSAT for your digital product or service (for example, apps, SaaS, etc., including NPS score). | Deploy this survey regularly as a pulse-check. |
Guest Satisfaction | This Template measures CSAT for your brand's in-person experience (for example, in-store, in-restaurant, or in-dealership), including NPS score. | Deploy this survey regularly as a pulse-check. |
Employee Satisfaction | This Template includes relevant metrics for employee satisfaction and includes open-ended fields for feedback. | Use this survey periodically, to get a health check on your staff. |